technologies at work in Bangladesh
At Chevron, Technology plays an important role in helping us deliver affordable, reliable energy that fuels human progress and economic growth. We are constantly on the lookout for advanced technology and digital solutions that will lead us to find and develop new resources and reduce risk exposure. State-of-the-art innovations that improve efficiency and make our operations more cost-effective – in any business environment. Emerging technologies that will keep our employees, communities, and environments safe, while ensuring reliable and secure asset health for future life cycle.
asset reliability
In Chevron Bangladesh, we set high standards in maintaining our fixed and rotating equipment reliability that ensure our assets deliver to their optimized potential. We are always thriving to leverage industry leading automation and technological solutions in our equipment maintenance and troubleshooting with proper safeguards. This gives us the ability to perform predictive maintenance which makes our business more efficient, safe, and reliable. Predictive maintenance applications analyze equipment health and performance data to predict abnormal condition before a failure or outage occurs. This is accomplished by installing state-of-the-art sensors and monitoring applications, which allows for real-time data collection and analysis Performing remote monitoring and diagnostics is another addition that ensures safety of people away from the hazard. Remote monitoring enables engineers to observe equipment performance from a central location. Since the uses of latest technology and advanced tools adaptation is a dynamic process for Chevron Bangladesh, hence these opportunities are opening door to widely analyze the equipment health in digital platform as well which helps to take early decision and proactive way to minimize or eliminate likelihood of failure to ensure safe and reliable operation.

advanced inspection tools
Some of the notable technologies that we use at work includes inspection by using Remotely operated Vehicle (ROV), underwater swimming robot, short range Ultrasonic Testing (SRUT), quick camera along with others. These technologies allow us to examine process equipment effectively without entering confined space where working is hazardous. These inspection tools enter inconvenient spots to gather quality data operated by skill operator from the outside. These innovative technologies provide great support to reduce or eliminate potential risk exposure.
virtual reality
Chevron Bangladesh utilizes Internet of Things (IoT) to eliminate need for physical presence of experts as we can now perform equipment troubleshooting with experts advising remotely from their home or work location. We align ourselves with latest revolution around digital data science and focus on measuring our process and equipment performances through various dashboards which is an enabler for quality decision-making.. As part of Chevron way, we constantly look for transformational technologies which are different and bring lot of values in the company.

At Chevron, we invest in people to strengthen organizational capability and develop a talented global workforce that gets results the right way. The use of the latest technology, and advanced tools adaptation is a dynamic process for Chevron Bangladesh, hence these opportunities are opening the door to widely analyze the equipment health in digital platform as well which helps to take early decision and proactive way to minimize or eliminate likelihood of failure to ensure safe and reliable operation.